Weekly Update - Permit to Fly Issued!
Today (15-Aug-2016), 9 months after the inaugural flight of Inspiration, we have finally received the Permit to Fly issued by HKCAD. We...

Weekly Update - B-KOO is back!
Inspiration is now registered back as B-KOO. #WeeklyUpdate

Inspiration Is Back!
Kilcoy > Birdsville > Broome > Denpasar > Kota Kinabalu > Clark > Hong Kong! Inspiration is finally home! Hank and Inspiration departed...

Weekly Update - 2016.07.22
Almost home! After a short stay in Denpasar, Indonesia, Hank and Inspiration have made their way to another Southeast Asian Island, Kota...

Weekly Update - 2016.07.20
It's really a long way home! After a 5-hour flight, Hank and Inspiration have arrived Denpasar, Indonesia today at 1pm local time. They...

Weekly Update - 2016.07.19
Inspiration is coming back! Hank and the Inspiration are on the way back to Hong Kong to start the Round The World Flight. At the same...

Weekly Update - 2016.06.26
As an objective of the project to educate and inspire the Hong Kong public’s interest in aviation, the Inspiration team will be working...

Weekly update - 2016.06.17
Ready for the sunny weekend in Hong Kong? Our RV-8 is also enjoying the sunshine in southern hemisphere. Upon completion of the 40 hourrs...

Weekly Update - 2016.05.29
The CASA inspection is done and the condition of the aircraft is good! We are processing some paper work and pending CASA's approval to...

Weekly Update - 2016.05.15
After leaving Hong Kong, "Inspiration" has deregistered as B-KOO. In Australia, she will continue the flight test programme carrying...