“Inspiration” Round the World Journey And “Inspired to Dream” Campaign
Inspiration is Hong Kong’s FIRST homebuilt and registered aircraft to take off from Hong Kong International Airport, and is about to...
「香港起飛」是香港首架本土自行裝嵌、註冊及在香港國際機場起飛的飛機,並將成為香港首架本土自行裝嵌及註冊*,更以香港作為出發及完成環球之旅的飛機! 經過7年裝嵌及第8年在澳洲40多小時的飛行測試後,「香港起飛」現已回港準備今年8至11月,為期三個月的環球之旅。以香港為出發及最...
Inspiration Is Back!
Kilcoy > Birdsville > Broome > Denpasar > Kota Kinabalu > Clark > Hong Kong! Inspiration is finally home! Hank and Inspiration departed...

Weekly Update - 2016.07.22
Almost home! After a short stay in Denpasar, Indonesia, Hank and Inspiration have made their way to another Southeast Asian Island, Kota...

Weekly Update - 2016.07.20
It's really a long way home! After a 5-hour flight, Hank and Inspiration have arrived Denpasar, Indonesia today at 1pm local time. They...

Weekly Update - 2016.07.19
Inspiration is coming back! Hank and the Inspiration are on the way back to Hong Kong to start the Round The World Flight. At the same...